There is no substitute for hands-on drone pilot training. In a world where you can learn everything by YouTube, we sometimes underestimate the value of hands-on learning. At Argos, we have developed a comprehensive 'hands-on' training program incorporating those key aviation tenets typically only found in military or airline training programs.
This is not your typically 2-day cookie cutter course. We take training seriously, building a custom program suited to meet your needs. Our experienced flight instructors work one-on-one with your pilots, teaching those essential skills needed to ensure safe, reliable operations. Our pledge is to create a much safer, more capable pilot who can confidently fly your drone in any situation.
Operating a drone commercial is a daunting task. Not only are there federal, state and local laws and regulations to consider, ever step in the workflow must be carefully considered. From equipment selection and integration to creating complex flight procedures, the devil is in the details. Let our experts help.
Leveraging technical experts with broad experience across multiple aviation disciplines, Argos can provide you with the expert advise you need to be successful. Whether conducting program development, planning, deployment, system integration, pilot training, IT development, networking, industry assessments, scientific research or technical writing, Argos will deliver.